Alerts and Notifications

Alerts and Notifications

Alerts help to keep Support Reps updated at real-time on the requests in their workspace.

An alert is an automated notification indicating that a predefined event has occurred, and some action is needed. Alerts allow users to receive critical business information in the quickest and most efficient possible way. Custom alerts can also be set to notify support reps on requests requiring their attention.

ServicePRO issues alert to notify appropriate Support Rep(s) when certain ServicePRO events occur. For example: Whenever a request is dispatched to a Queue Folder, all support reps assigned to that queue receive an alert notifying them of the new request.

You can set alerts or notification in ServicePRO in four ways:

Following are the ways in which you can set alerts:

1. System-generated alerts when following event types occur:
  • Request arrives In Dispatch

  • Request is placed In the queue

  • Request was moved to another Support Rep

  • Request was Updated by another Support Rep or by an end-user who opened the request

  • Request is Not Closed and past the due date

  • Request Resumes when its scheduled date arrives

  • Request is Closed

  • Request is Auto-Escalated

  • Request is designated as Waiting for Response


2. Custom Notifications to get critical information to the right people at the right time.

For example, a service desk manager can be automatically informed through email, alerts, reminders, or text messages when a critical request is breaching the SLA. These notifications are triggered by business rules and event-based tasks in project templates.


3. Using the Notification section of the Service Request


4. Using "Social – Send email" from the ribbon option


ServicePRO Alerts and Notifications ensure that events are known by the people who should be aware of them as soon as they occur.
ServicePRO’s notification alerts allow your service desk to function in a proactive mode.